In this interview, the continued growth in the value of pest management is debated. Growth in both the appreciation of its value to society, but also in the financial value to those businesses operating in this sector. Although the technician on the ground remains king, the use of digital technology continues to expand.
Brian Monaghan is CEO and co-founder of Pest Pulse (, a technology-led pest services company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland but also offering services to commercial customers in the UK. Asked what makes Pest Pulse different, Brian explains the company always leads with remote monitoring as part of the package at a price equal to any regular contract.
Smart electronic devices will form part of this development – the data they collect is turned into knowledge and valuable actions. Whilst the big companies, particularly Rentokil and Anticimex are the leading adopters of this technology, with Brian recons around 150,000 devices already in use, this still remains a small percentage of all those bait points installed globally.
Their use by the smaller and medium sized companies will increase, particularly as technology improves and the price reduces. However, Brian is emphatic that their use will never replace the role of an experienced technician.